Eric Adams, Resign.

Signed, 48 Elected Officials

Council Member Rita Joseph Sep 27 2024

Our city needs and deserves a government that is built on stability, transparency, and accountability. It has become clear that Mayor Adams can no longer provide New Yorkers with these crucial aspects to a successful administration. The trust between a leader and the constituents they serve is sacred. When that trust is questioned, it becomes impossible to govern effectively. As a Council Member and a constituent who wanted Mayor Adams to succeed for the sake of our city, l'm deeply disappointed, but the answer has become crystal clear: given the recent agency turmoil and this week's indictment by federal authorities, Mayor Adams should do what is right for the people of New York City and resign.

US Congressman Jerry Nadler Sep 27 2024

"I have long been a defender of civil rights and civil liberties, and I strongly believe that every individual, no matter who they are, is guaranteed due process under the law. While the criminal charges outlined in the indictment by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York are very serious, Mayor Adams deserves the right to due process and to be treated as presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, there are questions of whether the Mayor can continue to effectively lead our City as Mayor at this time. My belief is that the Mayor has lost the ability to effectively lead the City of New York, and therefore, he must resign.

Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon Sep 26 2024

“NYC Mayor Adams says he won't step down…” but he should and he should do so now. We need a mayor who is focused on running the City and serving its people. He can’t do that while fighting charges of having violated the public’s trust. It’s over.

US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Sep 26 2024

Adams should “of course” resign.

Senator Kristen Gonzalez Sep 26 2024

Eric Adams should put the good of our city before his desire to remain in office so that we can have a functional government working towards the better New York City we all deserve.

Assembly Member Grace Lee Sep 26 2024

For the good of our city, I call on Mayor Adams to resign.

Council Member Oswald Feliz Sep 26 2024

New Yorkers deserve government that is free from chaos. Mayor Adams deserves the presumption of innocence, but the constant investigations, resignations, and disruptions, will make important duties impossible to accomplish. The future of our city must come first. He must resign.

Council Member Linda Lee Sep 26 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have seen City Hall lose the commissioners of agencies who are responsible for the well-being, safety, and future of New York. After hearing last night's news of the Mayor's indictment, we are now aware of the Federal charges laid out by the Southern District of New York. Everyday New Yorkers should not have to concern themselves with this type of uncertainty and chaos that we are seeing from City Hall. The Mayor is entitled to due process and the right to defend himself against these charges, but not to the detriment of the greatest city in the world. At this time, he is unfit to serve and lead and must resign immediately.

Senator Iwen Chu Sep 26 2024

For the benefit of all New Yorkers, and to spare the city from further disruption, Mayor Adams must immediately resign and allow for real leadership to move us forward.

Council Member Erik Bottcher Sep 26 2024

For the good of New York City, Eric Adams needs to step aside. He cannot competently manage a city of nearly 9,000,000 people while simultaneously waging a defense against multiple federal corruption charges. He needs to step aside today.

Borough President Antonio Reynoso Sep 26 2024

The accusations made against Mayor Eric Adams are serious, substantial, and pervasive. He's going to need to put every ounce of his being into protecting himself from these charges at a time when every ounce of his being should be going to the protection of the people of New York City. The Mayor cannot lead this city, nor can he in good faith ask the public to put their trust in him. I ask the Mayor to put New Yorkers first and resign.

US Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis Sep 26 2024

Mayor Adams has failed our city, has broken the public trust and should resign or be removed by Governor Hochul. Our city is suffering greatly, taxpayers deserve better and we need to restore a functioning city government as soon as possible.

US Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez Sep 26 2024

If I were in his shoes, I would have resigned today

Senator Andrew Gounardes Sep 26 2024

No mayor can serve the people of this great city well while facing federal prosecution. The immense responsibility of governing this city demands an unrelenting focus free from distraction. Mayor Adams must step down.

Council Member Crystal Hudson Sep 26 2024

This Mayor will have only one focus as this indictment plays out, one that will single handedly inhibit his ability to govern. We deserve better. He must resign immediately.

Council Member Julie Won Sep 26 2024

The indictment of @NYCMayor was shocking, but not surprising. Since Day One, the Mayor has breached the public trust and mismanaged crisis after crisis, all to line his own pockets. We don't need the incompetence, the corruption, or the "swagger". We need a Mayor who leads with integrity and discernment—not ones who monetize our sacred trust. He must resign.

Assembly Member Harvey Epstein Sep 26 2024

The allegations in the indictment against Eric Adams have completely compromised his ability to effectively lead. These serious charges claiming bribery, fraud and numerous other federal crimes demand the Mayor resign. Our city can no longer move forward with Mayor Adams at the helm. For the good of New York City, Mayor Adams should resign or be removed from office.

Council Member Shaun Abreu Sep 26 2024

Mayor Eric Adams should resign.

Assembly Member Marcela Mitaynes Sep 26 2024

The flood of resignations and vacancies in Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is crippling our government’s basic functions and hurting working New Yorkers. We need a leader focused on the pressing challenges we face, from housing affordability to public safety. No Mayor can effectively govern under the weight of a criminal indictment. For the good of our city, I am calling on Mayor Adams to resign. New Yorkers deserve so much better.

Assembly Member Deborah Glick Sep 26 2024

This is still America- & people are innocent until proven guilty - so @NYCMayor deserves same consideration- that said- the City’s performance on many matters important to NYers is what should result in his departure

Council Member Carmen De La Rosa Sep 25 2024

In light of Mayor Adams' indictment, I join a growing number of my colleagues in calling for his resignation. With the many issues facing our city, we need a leader who can provide stability, integrity, and focus.

Council Member Jen Gutiérrez Sep 25 2024

This year-long federal investigation has shattered the public’s confidence and proven what we've been saying: the Mayor cannot be trusted to lead. Tomorrow’s indictment will bring more details, but the judgment is clear. He asks for prayers, we’re asking for his resignation.

Council Member Chi Ossé Sep 25 2024

Eric Adams needs to resign as Mayor of New York City.

Council Member Sandy Nurse Sep 25 2024

New Yorkers have had enough of politicians abusing their positions. We deserve better, which is why Mayor Adams should step down.

Council Member Chris Banks Sep 25 2024

I have no confidence in the Mayor’s ability to effectively run City government while facing this indictment, and I believe that in the best interest of the City, Mayor Adams must resign.

Assembly Member Karines Reyes Sep 25 2024

I am deeply troubled to learn of the indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. This moment in our city's history is truly unprecedented and without parallel: While the details of the indictment are still unknown, we are only left to assume the worst, given the numerous investigations that have been revealed in recent weeks and months. These inquiries into the Mayor's administration, his appointees and surrounding individuals have led to indictments and several resignations, and exposed a pattern of questionable and unethical behavior, in the name of our great city, all for personal profit. While our legal system is predicated on the presumption of innocence, I believe that it is in the best interest of all New Yorkers for Mayor Adams to resign from office. It is impossible for the Mayor to remain focused on the city's business, while he and his top aides are forced to defend themselves in the court of law. The people deserve to trust their leaders and recognize integrity in their work - It is clear that in the court of public opinion, the mayor has lost that trust. Now, he has the opportunity to end the long nightmare that our city has had to endure.

Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal Sep 25 2024

New Yorkers deserve a government that works — not a raft of resignations and indictments that now include the mayor. While everyone is entitled to their day in court, NYC’s challenges are far too vast to fight with one hand tied behind your back. Mayor Adams must resign.

Assembly Member Tony Simone Sep 25 2024

I no longer have faith in Mayor Adams ability to execute the job and call for him to resign. When our city voted for him, they voted for a candidate who pledged to uphold our laws. The stream of raids and resignations have culminated in the Mayors indictment for corruption.

Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas Sep 25 2024

The Mayor has been indicted on federal charges of corruption and can no longer govern effectively. Enough is enough. Eric Adams must resign immediately for the sake of NYC.

Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal Sep 25 2024

It’s untenable for Mayor Adams to continue in office while under federal indictment. He must resign now.

Assembly Member Danny O’Donnell Sep 25 2024

Following the indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York State Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell has called on Adams to resign. Assembly Member O’Donnell emphasized the importance of the presumption of innocence but expressed great concern about Adams’ capacity to effectively serve New York City while facing this legal battle.

Council Member Lincoln Restler Sep 25 2024

The Mayor must resign. No Mayor can serve our city under criminal indictment. The only responsible course for New York City is for Mayor Eric Adams to step down. If he refuses, he must be removed from office as prescribed by the charter. New Yorkers deserve so much better.

Council Member Robert Holden Sep 25 2024

Sad day for NYC when a sitting mayor is indicted on federal charges. While @NYCMayor is presumed innocent until proven guilty, there is no way he can effectively lead with this cloud hanging over him. With the challenges we face, he must step down for the good of New Yorkers.

Assembly Member Zohran Kwame Mamdani Sep 25 2024

Eric Adams has been indicted. He needs to resign now. Even before these charges, the Mayor has proven himself totally unable to address the cost of living crisis crushing this city. He must step aside.

Council Member Shahana Hanif Sep 25 2024

It’s clear that Mayor Adams can no longer effectively serve New Yorkers. I stand with my colleagues in calling for his immediate resignation.

Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie Sep 25 2024

This is a sad day for the city, and especially painful for so many Black New Yorkers who put our hope and faith in this Mayor. We live in the greatest city in the world — and the Mayor must be fully focused on delivering for the millions who call it home. Many like my parents come here in search of opportunity; others like myself are born and raised by this vibrant city. Each New Yorker deserves a Mayor who is dedicated to serving our communities, and who upholds the dignity and integrity this office requires. We need a leader who is fully focused, without distraction, on the enormous challenges we face — from housing affordability to public safety. A mayor under the weight of a serious indictment can no longer do that — and today I am calling on him to resign.

Assembly Member Robert Carroll Sep 25 2024

Mayor Adams should resign for the good of New York City. His Police Commissioner, Schools Chancellor, Health Commissoner & Counsel have all resigned in the last 2 weeks. He has now been indicted by Federal prosecutors. It is impossible for him to effectively manage the city.

Comptroller Brad Lander Sep 25 2024

First and foremost, this is a sad day for New Yorkers. Trust in public institutions — especially City Hall — is essential for our local democracy to function and for our city to flourish. The hardworking people of New York City deserve a city government and leadership they can trust. Right now, they don’t have it. Mayor Adams, like all New Yorkers, deserves due process, the presumption of innocence, and his day in court. However, it is clear that defending himself against serious federal charges will require a significant amount of the time and attention needed to govern this great city. The most appropriate path forward is for him to step down so that New York City can get the full focus its leadership demands.

Senator John C. Liu Sep 25 2024

Eric Adams is innocent until proven guilty; he is entitled to his due process, but it will take all of his might to defend himself against these federal charges. The people of New York City, however, need a mayor who is able to devote full time and full energy to putting the city on the right track, including recruitment and retention of top leadership for the City. Mayor Adams is simply unable to do that for the foreseeable future and therefore, for the good of all New Yorkers, must resign immediately.

Council Member Shekar Krishnan Sep 25 2024

City Hall is in free fall. Tonight, the Mayor of New York City was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice. New Yorkers deserve better than the chaos and corruption they are seeing in our city government. Mayor Adams must resign.

Assembly Member Phara Souffrant Forrest Sep 25 2024

Mayor Adams has failed to address the urgent needs of New Yorkers. The people of this city deserve leadership that prioritizes their well-being and listens to their voices. It is time for the Mayor to step aside.

US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Sep 25 2024

I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City. The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign.

Senator Gustavo Rivera Sep 23 2024

6 countries and ANOTHER resignation?! I’ve had enough of this dysfunction. Adams is unfit to lead the great people of NYC. He should do NYers a favor and RESIGN. If not, no one should rank him on their ballot next June. #DontRankEric

Senator Jabari Brisport Sep 17 2024

Eric Adams should resign.

Council Member Tiffany Cabán Sep 16 2024

Eric Adams leads with corruption and mismanagement. 15+ of his associates are now under investigation. If his track record of cutting critical services and empowering NYPD abuse didn’t make it clear: Eric Adams is unfit to govern. NY deserves better. It’s time for him to resign.

Senator Julia Salazar Sep 13 2024

We've seen enough. I am tired of a lack of accountability from executives at every level of government. I agree with my Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher. Several FBI investigations and too much harm done to the best city in the world. Time to step aside and allow for new leadership.

Assembly Member Emily Gallagher Sep 13 2024

We deserve a new mayor. A mayor who cuts education, library budgets, and parks, who surrounds himself with criminals and alleged corruption up to the very top, does not deserve our trust. A corny attitude is not real charisma, not when he's actively harming everyone in our city. The good news is we don’t have to wait— the mayor should resign.

Council Member Alexa Avilés Sep 12 2024

All of this proves the point we have been making for three years, Eric Adams is unfit to lead our City and NYPD (among others) operates with impunity. NYC deserves so much better! #RenunciaEric (translation: Eric Resigns)

Signed, Candidates for Office

Scott Stringer for New York City Mayor Sep 25 2024

Eric Adams is indicted. There is simply zero chance that the wheels of government will move forward from this full steam ahead. Instead, we are left with a broken down trainwreck of a municipal government. The mayor needs to resign for the good of the city. His legal fight is not our fight. While the mayor focuses on proving his innocence, the rest of us need to focus on the business of the city - building affordable housing, educating our kids, and keeping this city safe.

Signed, The Press

Signed, Organizations of New York

Riders Alliance Sep 30 2024

We need a leader who won’t be swayed by powerful interests or too distracted by scandal to put riders first and do what needs to be done to keep NY moving. Eric Adams isn’t that leader and should resign immediately if he was ever serious about doing what’s best for our city.

Reinvent Albany Sep 26 2024

Mayor Adams Should Resign Immediately or Be Removed by Governor Hochul

Conservative Party of NYS Sep 26 2024

Hochul Can and Must Remove Adams From Office Under City Charter Provision

Indivisible Brooklyn Sep 26 2024

Eric Adams must resign or be removed. NYC has always deserved better.

NYC-DSA Sep 26 2024

Our corrupt mayor has failed working-class New Yorkers: we deserve a mayor who works for us New Yorkers deserve better. Eric Adams must resign.

The People's Plan NYC Sep 25 2024

Eric Adams MUST resign. Our elected leaders should move to support the process laid out by the charter to remove Eric Adams from office, allow interim leadership to take over ASAP, and focus on providing the necessary services that New Yorkers rely on.

NY Working Families Party Sep 25 2024

We call on @NYCMayor to resign. Mayor Eric Adams can no longer govern. He has lost the trust of the everyday New Yorkers he was elected to serve. Our city deserves a leader we can trust and who is not engulfed in endless scandals. The City Charter mandates that if the Mayor resigns, the Public Advocate becomes the interim Mayor. Fortunately for the people of New York, we have a Public Advocate who is ready to step in and lend stability to the city in this difficult moment.